Executive Privilege Oopsie

I kind of love this.

Because Orange Julius has the self-control of a sugared-up toddler,  he has lost the option of invoking executive privilege to try to keep Comey from testifying.  You can't claim privilege (attorney-client, doctor-patient or executive) about a conversation if you yourself have made public statements about the same conversation.  Obviously, you don't care....


Whatever it takes to get this putz kicked to the curb is fine with me.  He's starting to do lasting damage.  He pulled the US out of the Paris climate agreement, and why?  Because his incredibly fragile "masculinity" was damaged by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.  According to the WaPo:

If he needed a nudge, though, one came from France over the weekend. Macron was quoted in a French journal talking about his white-knuckled handshake with Trump at their first meeting in Brussels, where the newly elected French president gripped Trump’s hand tightly and would not let go for six long seconds in a show of alpha-male fortitude.  ...

Hearing smack-talk from the Frenchman 31 years his junior irritated and bewildered Trump, aides said.

A few days later, Trump got his revenge. He proclaimed from the Rose Garden, “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

What a sad sorry excuse for a homunculus.  What a sad day for this species.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F