Bring It On

Roy Moore is accused by... well... it's closing in on a dozen women of hitting on molesting them back when they were 14 to 16 years old.

Even Mitch McConnell, not your paragon of principle on the best of days, has said Moore should step down rather than continue his campaign for the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions.  But Roy is holding firm

Yeah.  Good way to word that, Roy.  In case you have forgotten, "Bring It On" is the title of a floofy Y2K teen movie about rival groups of cheerleaders.

These girls might be a little long in the tooth for Judge Moore's tastes... but you get the idea.

Roy's campaign website, by the way, is called "Alabama deserves Moore."  I am not having an easy time disagreeing with that.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F