All True

This is how Americans get health care in a crisis. Click through for all the deets.

A university in Norway advised its students abroad to return home ASAP, especially if they were in "a country with poorly developed health services and infrastructure" such as... the USA.

And four Rethuglican Senators, it turns out, sold off most of their stocks while still "assuring" the public we would have no trouble with COVID-19. A day or three before news broke that, yes, yes, we would. And then the Dow tanked. The senators had already learned how bad this would be in classified briefings. Lying to the public of course comes naturally to these scum. One of them even used the cash freed up by the sale of other stocks to buy into teleworking technology companies. Let that sink in for a bit.

A few weeks ago, I would never have thought of the death penalty for insider trading, or for political ethics violations. Suddenly, it seems really reasonable.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F