Tech To-Do List

This weekend is Bird of Prey Days at Braddock Bay Raptor Research Center, so I am on my own for much of the next two days.

Accordingly, like any good geek would, I have given myself a tech to-do list.  It's long.  I don't actually want to finish it.

I find that checking off items on a to-do list is a positive, but finishing a list is neutral at best.  Finishing an item is fun, but when I finish a list, I want a new list.

One of the items on the list is to try out a new hosting situation for this blog.  So if you find it kind of flaky over the next 48 hours, it may be due to my trying to move it.  Or it may just be the intermittent flakiness that is my motivator for trying this.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F