sexism (14)

David F

Only the NY Times Could Write This Headline

Colorado’s Effort Against Teenage Pregnancies Is a Startling Success This is Colorado's approach to anti-abortion, and it's working great. A reality based program: How is this startling? Who at the NY Times was surprised this would work? When women have a choice, they choose a…

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David F

Why Conservatives REALLY Hate Marriage Equality

During the whole debate and the progress of the various legal cases, conservatives argued incessantly that gay marriage would damage if not destroy straight marriage. Obviously this is not true, but unless we assume that they are all drooling morons, why would they keep saying…

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David F

What if all consent worked like this?

The everydayfeminism blog imagines, what if all consent worked the way rape culture assumes sexual consent works? Here's an example: But go -- read the whole darn thing. Men (and yes, it's primarily, almost exclusively men) who take the liberties described in this series of illustrations need…

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David F

In Touch with Reality

+Citizens Fed Up posted this meme, and asked, "How can these Republican Candidates be so out of touch with reality??" The answer is, they are not out of touch with reality.  They are in touch with this reality: their only remaining constituency (not counting billionaires and…

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David F

Hecies and Shecies

Once again, a bit o'genius from  Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal No doubt this piece was inspired at least in part by the current phenomenon called, "Men Going Their Own Way" (just Google MGTOW  if you have time for a cry).  This is an outgrowth of…

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