religion (35)

David F

Humanity-Demeaning Activities

So now we know what it takes for a church to lose its tax-exempt status. The place sounds, in the coverage anyway, more like a strip club than any conventional idea of a house of worship.  But think about it this way: since a religion…

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David F

Freedom to Destroy Freedom?

A commenter on my post about the Planet Fitness story wanted to know why the same accolade I gave Planet Fitness for their inclusive stand should not be accorded a bakery that refuses to bake a wedding cake because they disapprove of the bride and bride.

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David F

Not Nearly All, sadly

In an earlier post I extolled the virtues of a management motivational bullet point, "Get all the liars in one room." It serves to neutralize them. Today's post is a public service gathering of some of the proponents of one of the most effective lying…

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David F

An Exception

As you might have read, I am no great fan of "verbing" -- the act of changing words that are different parts of speech into verbs by simply using them that way. To quote Calvin, "it weirds language." But I heard a word verbed recently…

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