Racism (22)

David F

Want to go Birding?

Or as you may know it, bird-watching?  It's a lovely pursuit: brings you closer to nature, gets you some low-stress exercise, puts you in a warm community of people who share your interest.  Here are some simple rules to help you get started. Things you…

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David F

An Exception

As you might have read, I am no great fan of "verbing" -- the act of changing words that are different parts of speech into verbs by simply using them that way. To quote Calvin, "it weirds language." But I heard a word verbed recently…

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David F

The Jackson/Giuliani Axis

“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity  toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.” ― Bertrand Russell, Unpopular Essays Watch this guano to the end, if you can. Full of lies, of course, but the lies are kind…

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