mythology (4)

David F

Betty Explains Religious Freedom

Religious freedom: Only for privileged religions, if you follow the Christian conservative rhetoric in the USA.  Here, the privileged religion is Christianity.  Over in most of the Middle East, it's Islam. They have more in common than you'd think, and could benefit well from comparing…

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David F

When to Snopes

At least three or four times a week, I respond to someone's social media posting with a link to an article on .  Yes, I am that guy.  Snopes is the single best site I know for debunking urban legends - those compelling, seemingly relevant…

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David F

"You are being fooled by the Devil."

"You are being fooled by the Devil." This is something you'll hear from that vocal minority of Christians who take things much more literally than the average bear, and who therefore interpret passages in the Bible about Satan as referring to a literal creature. Since…

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