#moving (5)

David F

Cat & Moving Report

As last seen here (and then not seen), two weeks ago our living room was a mess of box. Not only has that improved somewhat, but the cats have also agreed to come out of hiding, owing in part on the presence of a functional…

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David F

Things You Forget

When you move you know there are things to do. Change your address, cancel and start cable in the old and new spots, get all the internet working, and so on. Who remembers that you're going to have to find a new Chinese restaurant that…

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David F

Box Hell

This is our living room now. Not much else going on. When I left the old place to run an errand, an enthusiastic mover packed my Chromebook. So this iPad is all I have to blog from right now. Ugh. More soon, I hope.

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David F

New Favorite Store?

Something about the smell of a big hardware store that gives one a sense of endless possibility and grounded practicality - both at the same time. Yesterday I filled a shopping cart with LED light bulbs. I don't know if they pay for themselves in…

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David F

Our House

As we drove up to it, Jill said, well THAT will have to change. I said, if that tree face is the worst thing about this house, we're going to make an offer on it. It was, we did, and it's ours now. We signed…

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