logic (9)

David F

"God still loves you."

"God still loves you" is something atheists will hear from the religious toward the end of one of those conversations where the religious participant is starting to figure out there isn't going to be a reconversion. Not today, at any rate. This is meant to…

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David F

"One day you will know the truth"

"One day you will know the truth." At the very least, this is somewhere between dismissive and insulting. Obviously, the speaker is asserting that you do not yet know the truth. Or Truth, more likely. Truth about what? This is often left vague. Taken at…

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David F

"Eventually, God will reveal himself to you"

This is another of the useless things religious people (not only Christians) like to say to atheists. And I don't mean "useless" in the sarcastic, pejorative sense. It's simply without purpose. There is no benefit anyone can gain from hearing it, no action anyone can…

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