infosec (19)

David F

Biometrics Are NOT Passwords, Dammit!

Today in Stupid Extensions of Biometric Authentication: this item from Sophos. Brainprints will apparently be the new fingerprints. Here is what the press (and from the looks of it, half the security industry) seems unable or unwilling to get: you cannot change your biometrics. You…

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David F

Warrant Canaries

When the FBI or some other government agency comes a-calling at any custodian of your private information, from Google or Yahoo! to the local public library, they bring something called a National Security Letter (NSL).  This not only serves as a warrant for the information…

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David F

Exam Time!

If you're a student and you're reading this, I just made you clench a little with that title, didn't I?  Well, here's some news you can use: it never really goes away. Ten years ago next month, I sat for the CISSP exam.  Being a…

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David F

Security is a Pain

I set out this weekend to figure out how to get PRTG Network Monitor to tell me the Internet bandwidth being used by our various machines, and where on the internet all that data is coming from or going to.  In order to get that…

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