Gender (10)

David F

Only the NY Times Could Write This Headline

Colorado’s Effort Against Teenage Pregnancies Is a Startling Success This is Colorado's approach to anti-abortion, and it's working great. A reality based program: How is this startling? Who at the NY Times was surprised this would work? When women have a choice, they choose a…

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David F

Bobby Jindal Better Be Careful What He Wishes For

Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, wants to be sure that we understand: bigotry and appeals to the lowest common denominator are the rock-solid foundation of his political career. In a NY Times Op-Ed he wanted those Commie, atheistic, libtard corporations like Cummins Engine to know…

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David F

Totally non-discriminatory

Gov. Steve Beshear of Kentucky filed a delightful brief with the Supreme Court on March 27 in defense of "traditional marriage" or "natural marriage" or whatever dog-whistle the bigots are using this week to identify the sentiment, "I get to marry whoever I want but I think your love is…

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David F

Freedom to Destroy Freedom?

A commenter on my post about the Planet Fitness story wanted to know why the same accolade I gave Planet Fitness for their inclusive stand should not be accorded a bakery that refuses to bake a wedding cake because they disapprove of the bride and bride.

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David F

No Judgement Zone

The Planet Fitness in Midland County, Michigan recently had a conflict between one of its core company values and one of its customers.  In the kind of move that I wish we'd see more often, they fired the customer. Yvette Cormier said she felt threatened…

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