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David F

Pre-Paid Patriotism

While we know that a volunteer military has to advertise to gain recruits, advertising is usually identifiable as such.  But team outpourings of patriotic fervor: the "hometown hero" demonstrations on the fields before and during games, the flyovers, the hilariously large flags and so on...

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David F

Amazon Signaling

Drew of Toothpaste for Dinner has a companion blog called The Worst Things for Sale.  Every now and then you will see an item there somewhat along these lines: Now this doesn't look so bad, a simple 18" audio patch cord, useful for connecting a portable…

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David F

Get Out of the Box

From the earliest age, boys are taught that there is a certain range of behaviors and feelings required of them if they will ever be considered men, and that straying beyond these borders is really not acceptable.  "Act like a man!"  "Real men don't cry!"…

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