
The vote on Kavanaugh may come as early as today

Photo: NYTimes

The fact that Susan Collins might vote for this guy makes David Brooks' opinion that this is a low point in American political devolution almost correct.

He says political statements no longer operate on the level of intellectual persuasion with facts or perspective.  He says they are simply "to mobilize your mob."  

Of course, now that Brooks' mob - Rethuglicans - appear to be in the ascendancy, he would like Democrats to be circumspect and always civil.  On the council that ultimately green-lighted the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, he'd have been that guy who wanted more negotiations with the Nazis instead.  Then when everyone else is being loaded into the boxcars to Treblinka, that guy goes home to his family.

This is indeed a low point, but Rethuglicans have a warehouse full of shovels.  And no mob was ever reasoned out of rioting.  What it will take is an army - or a bigger mob.

Let's get into the streets and into the voting booth.  Bigger than they can imagine.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F