
(Photo by: George Kraychyk/Hulu)

Legalizing rape, that's what supposedly serious people are talking about now.  Inspired by sexual, as opposed to religious, terrorists such as Alek Minassian and Eliot Rodger, who have somehow made mainstream a conversation about what they are calling "redistribution of sex."

For those of you in the cheap seats, that means "making sex available" to the male assholes who cannot get it by being ordinary humans, most of whom can find a relationship when they want one - or recognize that there are things they could do to make that easier if they cannot.

"Making sex available" will necessarily mean, making someone who does not otherwise want to participate in that sex.  If you think this sounds a lot like rape, then yes, you too have at least one empathic bone in your body.  Which makes you that much better than the typical Pumpkin voter or Rethuglican, so thank you for that.

It will not surprise you that this simple fact has escaped the notice of such luminaries as the New York Times' senior troglodyte, or a "conservative" "economist" from George Mason University (Go Slaveholders! yee-haw!).  By the way, does anyone want to take bets on how that same creep from GMU might feel about redistributing dollars?

What is disgusting is that we now have to spend oxygen, neurons and digital ink swatting away people who watched The Handmaid's Tale and thought, Yeah, I'd like to live in that world.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F