Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Stones? Really?

One group I did not expect to see much in #WaltzWednesdays is The Rolling Stones. Yes they can be lyrical and soft (Angie! Ruby Tuesday!) but aren't they kind of an opposite number to The Beatles? You know the classic A/B test questions: Betty or…

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David F

> Lincoln?

How is there any connection to reality? As we saw on Saturday, of course, it doesn't. They will convince themselves of anything as long as Pumpkin continues to enable their racism and sexism. They have been terrified that their own attitudes (racism, sexism) were becoming…

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David F

Reality Bites

Reality is anathema to one-third of the country Ugh. Enough of reality, which sadly includes these anti-reality troglodytes. How about some cats, for #caturday? Gert snuggles with her dad While Alice must have the fireplace

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David F


It's easy to make fun of this but it's a genuine problem. About one-third of Americans can literally not see the problems with our Pumpkin. It is, indeed, a psychological problem. (Warning: Only click that link if you're feeling super-cheerful and need something to tone…

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