Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


While their heart is in the right place, Pumpkin just can't expect the local police to coordinate on a national scale for the advancement of fascist dictatorship. They aren't really built for it. Naturally, the kind of police violence that makes racists feel safer for…

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David F

Seeger Had a Dream

Yes this has been covered a hundred times, and Pete didn't write it. But we need this now. Because make no mistake - we're at war. Pumpkin has declared war on America and on the Constitution. May the abject failure utter refusal of the Senate…

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David F

Soldarity Scam

All those feel-good photos of cops taking a knee? They tingled my BS spidey-sense at the time. Where are the genuine changes? Not just racist symbols going down... is actual systemic racism going down? Is racist policing going down? I am afraid not - until…

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