Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Needle Never Moves

There's probably a critical mass of people in a nation who can tip the entire polity over to fascism by their tacit or vocal support for the Pumpkin's racism. I hope it's more than 40%. I don't think it is. But I still hope it…

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David F

From Belarus to Us

Shava Nerad, an Internet organizer and a founder of the TOR Project, has posted a very grim outlook on the probable aftermath of the US election. In my estimation, she's not overly pessimistic. I think it's a safe bet Pumpkin and his band of evildoers…

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David F

Time to Act!

The time now is to act. Whatever you think is beyond your scope or capability, one thing you can definitely do to stem the creeping crud of fascism in the US is to vote. I have placed a suite of tools on this site (see…

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David F

The RNC is Over

The old joke about the Rethuglican conventions sounding much better in the original German isn't a "never not funny." Now that they fully embrace racism and fascism, this crack lacks the element of exaggeration necessary to be funny.

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