Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Lock. Him. Up.

After the recording of the phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State went public it has become virtually certain that Pumpkin will go to jail. . . . HAHAHAHAH just kidding of course. The capitalists that run things will never serve consequences on any…

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David F


The only people who should get money according to this guy are millionaires & up. Georgia, you know what to do! Take away this POS' power!

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David F

Goodbye 2020

We'll miss you. Still - it should be noted that the universe does not give a flying f* what four-digit number we apply to the Year column of a given moment. Time is continuous. Also, that the nightmare is only really ended once Pumpkin is…

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David F


They will, too. And a Rethuglican Congress will do f-all to stop it. Georgia, vote! One in two GoFundMe campaigns are to cover an American's health-care bills. Obamacare is not enough. We need Medicare for All.

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