Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

So Much Winning

I found this on Reddit, and I thought it was a pretty good summation: I am trying to imagine a "presidential" library built in this thing's honor... I cannot. What I think we should build instead is a library and museum dedicated to all the…

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David F

This IS Who We Are

They say the first step in solving the problem is recognizing that you have a problem. It sounds way easier than it is. It has taken the vast majority of this country five years. But maybe we're there now. I found this article encouraging. It's…

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David F

Possible Bright Spots

Never mind the usual suspects (Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell et al.) blabbering about how they mean business THIS TIME. Feh. The only business that lot mean is, "as usual." That is what they want to get back to ASAP. And Pumpkin is being left alone to…

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David F

Rock Bottom

So I was an ass and wrote this two days ago I never imagined how bad it would actually be. For four years, every time the Pumpkin hit another new low, I would think, This must be it. It cannot go lower. The country has…

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