Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Not only do the Rethuglican senators ignore the proceedings at the impeachment "trial," they met with the defense team for a strategy session. This shows you exactly how seriously they take their oath of office, their oaths as members of this mockery of a jury,…

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David F

Race Dismissed

Just when you thought it was safe to go about having Black History Month... this happened. That's right - a school in Utah decided to let concerned racist parents opt their kids out of all the Black History Month aspects of the lessons this month.

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David F

DNA Testing

When you do a DNA test and submit your results, you might be able to find people you're related to. People you didn't know about before. The graphical essay linked above outlines some of the history of racism at the foundation of our country. Genealogy…

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David F


Which just goes to show you, any asshole can nominate any other asshole. It doesn't mean they are going to win. Oh yeah, Pumpkin got nominated also. It took some special assholery to do that. Alex Navalny, Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matter, Greta Thunberg... any…

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