Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Watch the media coverage - see how slanted toward Israel it is. Terrorism, according to American media, only counts when it's performed by (brown OR Muslim) people. Yesterday Israel bombed the building where the international media were based covering Gaza. Bombed it flat. They already…

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David F


After Alex Trebek died in November, it was announced that a decision about the new host would be deferred until after a number of guest hosts got live tryouts. We're almost halfway through this surprisingly excruciating ordeal, so here are my interim rankings. I really…

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David F


I have a friend, who got divorced. It happens. His wife's name was Kay. A while later I saw her cubicle, and the nameplate had been changed to, "Kay Sera Sera."

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David F


Risk is handled in one of three fundamental ways: In information security, everything is trade-offs. Usually, the trade is resources for risk reduction. Finding the sweet spot is not even the hard part. The hard part is getting management to understand why the sweet spot…

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David F

Things You Must Have

Marketing is the delicate art of convincing people they need something they would never have heard of, until you told them they needed it. When someone tells you of something you "must have" by a certain age, you are being marketed to. When you are…

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