Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Drunk dad advice

This Kids in the Hall video is unserious, but it makes some serious points. Chad doesn't know where they're going, but he knows.  He's being fitted for his own little manbox, and he can't say it's unexpected -- he's been shown this box since he…

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David F

So, Anyway

It had me at the title -- I start sentences this way all the time.  But c'mon, it's John Freakin' Cleese's autobiography! I am working my way through it, savoring it a little bit at a time.  This is not really a review of the…

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David F

Freedom to Destroy Freedom?

A commenter on my post about the Planet Fitness story wanted to know why the same accolade I gave Planet Fitness for their inclusive stand should not be accorded a bakery that refuses to bake a wedding cake because they disapprove of the bride and bride.

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David F

Not Nearly All, sadly

In an earlier post I extolled the virtues of a management motivational bullet point, "Get all the liars in one room." It serves to neutralize them. Today's post is a public service gathering of some of the proponents of one of the most effective lying…

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