Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Public Key

The problem with technology strong enough for crypto-geeks is, only crypto-geeks will want to use it. I complained about this before, here. In response I got introduced to keybase.io... which is not the answer to this problem for your mom. Just look at it. mouseover text: I…

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David F

Garage Sale at the Rochester Public Market

Most Sundays in the summer are Garage Sale day at the Rochester Public Market. Today I decided, on the spur of the moment, to share with you a photo gallery of some of the more noticeable items. Click thumbnails for full-size images. [gallery link="file" ids="542,534,552,550,537,549,547,548,545,546,535,544,543,541,540,536,539,551,538"]

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David F

We, Racists

In the past few days I have seen two posts on Google+ from white southerners, both honestly trying to come to grips with the heritage that produced them. You can see one of the posts, by +Garnet Griffin, here and here (if you are in her circles)…

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