Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

It's the Epistemology, Stupid!

In this short video, Dr. Peter Boghossian (author of A Manual for Creating Atheists) talks about Micro vs. Macro interventions. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Ricky Gervais... they fire enormous broadsides at religion. Those are fun, enlightening, and only effective as mass communication at the Macro level. If you…

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David F

Alice wants me to post something

Alice says I should take a picture of her and post it as my blog post for today. "Why?" I ask her. "Because then you'll quit dithering at your computer and get that red dot out for Gertrude and me to play with." Her logic…

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David F

Maybe She Gets a Cut

Rowan County (KY) Clerk Kim Davis continues to defy multiple court orders to enable sodomy to take over the world no wait burn all her Bibles no that's not it do her f*ing job and issue marriage licenses to all who qualify under the laws of the United…

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David F

Tired of Hearing "Politically Correct"

When those words pass someone's lips, it's a fair bet that the speaker is frustrated because there are suddenly consequences to their cherished habit of saying racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or otherwise bigoted things. That is all. Inspired by: http://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/43087620460/i-was-reading-a-book-about-interjections-oddly

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David F

N is not for Niantic

At 5:30 EDT yesterday afternoon, every Ingress player got an in-game push of this G+ post: https://plus.google.com/+Ingress/posts/GVvbYZzWyTT All the tech news sites burbled into action. The funny thing is, so soon after the announcement of the reorg of Google into Alphabet, this first major transaction…

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