Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Do you Ever Forget your First?

I picked my first lock today. A Master No. 3; they say it's one of the easiest. It must be true because I basically watched a YouTube video for about 2 minutes, and then went after it. It popped on the fourth try. I may…

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David F

User, Customer, Client

In our connected lives we all consume lots of digital services, not to mention other services with a digital component. Think of your cellular service, or your cable TV provider -- which may also be your ISP. To obtain every one of these services, we execute some…

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David F

Racist Joke

I'm afraid it's us. Speaking of which: Six black churches in Ferguson have been hit by arson and my stupid blog might be the first you're hearing about it.

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David F

Voter Fraud

A fraud is being perpetrated on the voters, and it's the idea that "vote fraud" is a problem. Ever since Red states got all concerned about vote fraud, it has been painfully obvious that what they are really after is making sure that only the…

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