Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Election Day

I've voted today, have you? If you are like most Americans, probably not. You might not even think this is a day to vote in the US, given that the year is not an even number (Congressional elections) let alone divisible by 4 (Presidential elections). But…

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David F

Why Lie?

Why are Republicans allergic to the truth? One substantive claim after another, just tracking the GOP Primary Debates, is shown to be false. In the most recent debate, on CNBC, Christie claimed that it's more dangerous than ever to be a cop. As you can…

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David F

Owl Prowl

Saw-whet owl Every year, mostly in the spring, my wife participates in the Owl Roost survey with the Braddock Bay Raptor Research Center (BBRRC). This year, in addition to the full-scale spring version, there's a fall survey. Today, I tagged along on a walk through Owl Woods…

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David F


Making a selection today from the Venn Diagram of BS, representing the Quackery category, Acupuncture! The delightful website Science-Based Medicine recently summed up a plethora of studies on this scam, and found that as a whole they establish clearer evidence of its untruth than any one of them…

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