Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Carl Sandburg famously called "exclusive" the worst word in our language. It's really just a weasel word for othering - the act of making some humans not as good as the humans we prefer. "Other" is itself a difficult word. Dictionary.com gives no fewer than…

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David F


I ran across a story in Sophos' excellent Naked Security blog about Follower. This is a social network art project where you can apply to be followed for a day by giving the project your phone's location data for the day. At the end of your…

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David F

This may seem churlish but I don't care

"I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction." Clarence Darrow's The Story of My Life (1932) Scalia hurt so many people to no good end that I do indeed consider his, a good end. My heart would…

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David F

Move the Group off Facebook

I had a situation recently where I joined a volunteer effort and they said, Great, welcome aboard! We'll invite you to the private Facebook group now! I almost declined - as you know if you read this blog at all, I don't do Facebook. But…

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David F

Darwin Day

Portrait of Charles Darwin. Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Today is the 207th birthday of two great world citizens: Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. The fact that they were born on the same day is one of those fabulous coincidences that mean little but command a lot…

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