Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

If You Think Facebook is "Harmless"

OK, it's no secret around here that when it comes to Facebook, I am not a fan. But I never thought that their disregard for users' privacy would get this blatant. Don't go by me, though; I would never have thought that a person affiliated with…

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David F

Norman Doors are Not Your Fault

https://youtu.be/yY96hTb8WgI "Wrong" doors are... everywhere. I don't have any in my home, but I definitely have them within a block of home. Dozens within a mile. All over at work. I even see them at doctors' offices and hospitals. It's surprising to me how blind…

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David F

Trump Doesn't Know what the KKK is

We watched a Trump interview on CNN where The Donald was reacting to being endorsed by David Duke, former grand wizard of the KKK. Trump claimed not to know anything about either Duke or the Klan. What's scarier: if he's lying or if he's not?

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David F

Stuff I Did Not Know About Google

Thing the First: Google annually solicits Doodles from American elementary and high school students. At Doodle4Google, you can now vote for the 2016 entrants in each age group. There are prizes, of course. I love the fact that they are encouraging artistic pursuits, and not just…

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