Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Just Think!

Someone could be mulching their garden, anywhere in the world, and then, More straight-up news reporting from a purveyor of so-called #parody. There is #noparody.

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David F


Been mulching a little patch of garden. The pleasant surprise of the day: how light a bag of mulch is. Compared to, say, a bag of growing soil. Growing soil should be sold bundled with ibuprofen. Gardening still takes a lot out of a person,…

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David F

Space Cadets

I don't think the way to get the human race spaceborne is this. Billionaires in space is something of a step backward. But we get the space program we deserve.

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David F

The Wingnut Cycle

The parodists are back to reporting truth. I don't know when rational people will get with the program and stop engaging. This has worked hundreds of times for those villains and we keep allowing it. We have to break the cycle. Ignore them. Ignore them!…

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