Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

British / American

There's a lot in common that we Americans have with the British. But there's a lot that goes on in each culture which will completely mystify the inhabitants of the other. I quite enjoyed this cartoon that came over in The Nib today. Now I…

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David F

Too Much Fun

It's good to have a library of classic movies for lazy days at home. In addition to being just a fun flick, it's a love-letter to New York City. And I do love New York City.

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David F

Late Late

Sorry - missed a posting day. Loving this story, tho: Pumpkin's TRUTH social network is based on Mastodon but violates the terms of its open-source license. Seriously, do these f*ers ever miss an opportunity to screw someone over?

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David F


Colin Powell died. It's easy to look at a Black man who advanced to such a high level as a champion of progress. But. As the mouthpiece for W he lied us into a multi-trillion dollar waste in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was directly or…

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