Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Nasty Woman

Elizabeth Warren tore Trump a new one in NH today: It probably should go without saying that the exact same behaviors that cause a homunculus like Trump to call a woman "nasty," would inspire him to call any man who showed them, bold, assertive, or no-nonsense.

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David F

Trump TV

Actually I will tire of this picture: Nov 9. This is probably Trump's endgame: a "news" channel that spews all-day ethnic hatred, racism, sexism and all-around ordure at levels that would shame even Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly. NBC estimates that it could be up and…

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David F

Eating for the Team

When we root for a team, it finds its way into our meal plans. Tonight it's Hebrew National beef hots with griddled onions, Wrigley-style. And for dessert... what else? Wegmans FTW!

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David F


My first job in IT was with a now-defunct retail chain called Best Products. Their founder was an art-lover and he wanted the company to have a footprint in the world of art as well as retail. Here are a few examples of their "catalog showrooms"…

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David F

Ouroboros of Denial

That is what the Trump campaign and its faithful have devolved to. The Ouroboros, of course, is the legendary, mystical snake (or dragon) eating itself tail-first. It symbolizes coming full-circle. I saw the phrase "Ouroboros of denial" in this piece by Scalzi and I just got…

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