Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

You Matter

In a verdict that is equally parts utterly shocking and utterly expected, a twit from Illinois had his mommy drive him to Kenosha, Wisconsin to shoot some black people. He was ceremonially arrested for this escapade, everyone knowing there would be no real consequences because…

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David F


Warning: Anger does not have to make sense to win elections. White people's lizard brains are going to kill us all, mark my words. And once again: there is #NoParody

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David F

When Fascism Comes to America...

…it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. So said Sinclair Lewis in 1935, actually quoting African-Americans like Langston Hughes, whose nation have been living under the system since they were "freed" from slavery. Well, it's here for all of us now,…

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David F

Oil, We Just Can't Quit You

The COP26 Climate Summit is wrapping up in Glasgow. The largest delegation is from the fossil fuel industry. If this doesn't already piss you all the way off, here are some questions: We've handed over the hen-house to the fox, and the flocks to the…

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