Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

20 Minutes or Two Episodes

When we start watching a new TV series we try very hard not to judge it until we've seen two episodes. The first episode, the pilot, is usually doing a heavy overload of exposition, and it's not fair to judge by that alone. For a…

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David F

New Year's Day

https://youtu.be/SlDi4hpJsaY And today, John Scalzi's blog has a bracing call to readiness for the year - years - ahead. Drink it in; I assure you, it's a good hangover cure. And which of us doesn't have a hangover from 2016? --Theodore Parker by way of…

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David F

Prime is OK With Me

I loved yesterday's XKCD (that didn't show up in my feed until today). Also: yesterday I promised either a list of everything wrong with 2016 or pictures of my cats. Well, you win! So I can go along too, being something of a prime numbers…

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David F

Top 10 List Time

Isn't it time for a top 10 list? It must be, because Christmas is over but the calendar STILL says 2016. It occurred to me that the best top 10 list to do would be the top 10 worst things that happened in this terrible,…

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David F

Still a Card-Carrying Member

It seems that the membership of the Reality-Based Community is shrinking. The "aide" was reputed to be Karl Rove. Even in 2004, he was declaring the ability of those in power to create reality by fiat. Now they are scaling up to industrial strength, with "fake…

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