Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Alternative Facts

der PumpkinFührer ...or as they are known in the vernacular, lies. First, Trump used a photo from Obama's 2009 inauguration to imply that his was mobbed. Then Sean Spicer lied about the attendance numbers at this year's Inauguration, and finally, Kellyanne Conway went on the…

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David F

Jan 21

Rochester, NY [gallery link="file" size="medium" columns="2" ids="3834,3831,3829,3830,3832,3833,3835" orderby="rand"]

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David F

Headline Enhancer

One amusing verbal game we play is, we read the fortunes in fortune cookies, which are very lame these days, but we improve them greatly by adding the words, "in bed." For example, consider, "Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid." Or…

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