Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

When Parody Becomes Impossible

Tom Tomorrow is one of those cartoonists who struggle mightily to parody Trump. It just never works very well. It's not TT's fault, however: Trump's straight-on reality reads like such an over-the-top parody that actual parody could never have credibility enough to be readable. This…

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David F

Copernicus and Bon Scott

Copernicus was born on this day in 1473. He developed the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not the other way around. Many Republicans don't seem to get this yet. Maybe this bit of light verse will help them. And on this day…

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David F

Lizard Brains

Do you remember middle school, when two kids got in a fight and the crowd around them started chanting, Oogh, oogh! Oogh, oogh! https://youtu.be/QjVAt_mzHXM Pres. Pumpkin is not talking to the people for whom words represent ideas leading to logical arguments and rational decisions. He is certainly…

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David F

Facebook Stalks...

Stalkscan is a service that really doesn't do anything you can't do anyway. But it does show you how very much information Facebook aggregates about you... or anyone. If you find this disturbing, well, I think you should. Quitting Facebook is not easy but it's…

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