Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Named After Women

What would your city look like if the proportion of places named after men were flipped? Here's a re-drawn NY Subway map, for an example. Rebecca Solnit commissioned this for a project you can read about here. I will say that coming up with enough…

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David F

Making -- Great Again

In spite of -- or maybe because of -- his hatred of it, one thing President Pumpkin has made great again is Saturday Night Live. https://youtu.be/F7o4oMKbStE Here is a bit that will surely go down in the long history of this show as one of…

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David F

Is The Onion Now a Paper of Record?

I have pointed this out with cartoons such as Tom Tomorrow. When you report plain facts and it reads the same as absurd satire, you have challenges as a parodist or satirist that you did not anticipate when you entered the trade. If you think…

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David F

Vault 7

Everyone has been asking me about the new CIA hacks revealed this week by Wikileaks. Will your cellphone be spying on you for the government? How about your Samsung smart TV? My bit of advice for you is this: Get into a password manager. Stop…

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