Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Ride for Pride 8!

last year, before starting out Congratulations to the GAGV's Ride for Pride 8 on hitting the $50,000 fundraising goal this morning! I can't ride this year, but I managed to start a little fundraising before I realized that fact. I thought it was a good theme for this…

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David F

A Nobel Laureate, Mind You!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxjIBEZvx0 Words that flow directly into the tune he found for them. He can't sing but is somehow so melodious anyway Reminds of Tesla in the way it turns out that, all the good stuff? He invented it.

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David F

Southern Baptists

Southern Baptists are just racists, plain and simple. What's amazing now is, just how emboldened they are by the Pumpkin to stand up for that position. Richard Spencer was pleased. https://twitter.com/RichardBSpencer/status/874780525550071808 What a country.

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David F

Time for a Jam Session

Put Pumpkin behind the 8-ball. Jam his brand. There's an autoplaying video at this link. As you know, I hate, hate, HATE autoplaying videos. Screw that; go watch this one. Hit him where he lives, in the wallet. From the article: It’s a phenomenon I’ve been…

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David F


This NY Times story just dials up the through-the-looking-glass nature of the Pumpkin presidency to 11. Pres. Pumpkin called a cabinet meeting to collect flattery from his Secretaries. (just let that roll around on the tongue for a moment before continuing.) At that meeting, with…

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