Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

McCain Votes

Luckily, he only needed a fraction of his brain for this. https://youtu.be/tNPVW0E7XKw If you don't have a minute and a half to watch that, here's the short version:  

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David F

Employee RF ID

Employees at Three Square Market, a vending machine maker in Wisconsin, have been given the opportunity to be chipped (like an AKC puppy!) and allow that chip to serve as their employee ID, computer login, and purchasing token at the vending machines in the break rooms.

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David F

WSOP Final

They both played well. But at around Hand 200, Ott starting looking kind of demoralized. Here's the kind of thing that had been happening the entire three nights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd53VElpKUI In poker, cards even out in the long run. But in a tournament, you don't have unlimited…

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David F

When the Right Wing Loves Birth Control!

A White County (you can't make this sh* up!) Tenn. judge has told county jail inmates that they can get 30 days knocked off their hitch if they accept "voluntary" sterilization. Vasectomies for the men, something akin to Norplant for the women. So of course…

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