Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


The Daily Stormer is a Nazi (no neo-, just plain Nazi) website that helped coordinate the racist thugs who wrecked Charlottesville this past weekend, and then crowed when Pumpkin blamed the anti-fascists. When you run a Nazi website, you really don't want a lot of…

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David F

Don't Be a Sucker

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23X14HS4gLk The right-wing program has been to put out plenty of propaganda (Faux News, Alex Jones, etc.). They have also been working hard to destroy real education (Betsy DeVos, anti-science, etc.). All to create a significant portion of the polity stupid enough to vote for…

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David F

Charlottesville Leaves No Doubt

The Charlottesville "Unite the Right" marchers? Republican racist Nazis. Friday night they chanted "You will not replace us!" Also, "Jew will not replace us!" "Lügenpresse!" And my favorite, "One Nation, One People!" Hmm. What is it about "One Nation! One People!" that sounds wrong? Oh, I…

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David F

Democrats! No, Republicans!

Back before the 1960's, the Democrats were the party of White Supremacy in the South. They called themselves the Dixiecrats, to be distinguishable from the northern sort who were definitely more liberal and somewhat less racist. Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms…

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