Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Unlike the rest of the civilized world, railroads in the US are in decline. The decline of the railroad is often used by songwriters as a metaphor for a broader decline, that of the USA in general. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc_mv46NwT4 One would hope that the election of…

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David F

Fear Makes Ugly

Okay, okay. If you read this space regularly, you know that one of my guilty pleasures is, that I read some advice columns. Well, here's a Q&A from yesterday's installment of Dear Prudence that really nailed an important issue: Frankly, I don’t care how anyone…

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David F

A! Gain!

This keeps happening over and over... ...and the polity displays no short-term memory whatsoever. Trump is just the worst of it. Congress keeps f*ing over the 99%, and 99% of them get re-elected every time.

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David F

I have something...

... to announce. This is what was not quite ready yesterday. I had to re-install the SSL cert. Security doctor, heal thyself, right? In any case, I expect to continue posting daily, but to one blog or the other. On days I post to Safer…

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