Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Today, here we have a Blues classic about a train. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ri7TcukAJ8 I know this is a Train Music break, but the "train" aspect of this really doesn't matter. This song would be every bit as irresistible if it were about a Key Lime Pie. Bonus…

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David F


If dreams were thunder and lightning was desire this old house would have burned down a long time ago. Angel from Montgomery. Voice of an angel. Angel food cake. I don't know. Here's two things I do know: I'm tired. This is great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOW-Eoms07c

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David F

Racists Say, Both Sides at Fault

this is what a racist looks like Rand Paul, as thuggish as Rethugs come, have let us know that our racist president cannot reach a compromise on immigration because... wait for it... people are calling him a racist. Thus he informed all, on Meet the…

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