Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Solar Power vs. Pumpkin

Getty Images The cleanest energy possible is solar. So naturally, President Pumpkin is trying to strangle the US solar industry in its crib, by announcing this week huge 30% tariffs on components for solar plants in this country. Meanwhile, out there in the civilized world, companies…

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David F

We'll Miss Ursula

Ursula K. LeGuin passed away Monday at 88. Jason Kottke shared a great anecdote from her long and storied career. After submitting a story to Playboy and getting it accepted with just her initials as a by-line, LeGuin's agent told Playboy that the writer was…

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David F

We Wish...

For this installment of Waltz Wednesday, a fun Christmas song from a fun Christmas album. Yes, I know it's past the season. But... bacon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2dmWwEoZIQ

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