Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Onion Says It Best

America. The daily mass shootings really need to get into double digits or be at a school to crack the headlines anymore. Parkland, Florida scored a double this week. The Onion, whose tagline "America's Finest News Source" is less and less a joke every day,…

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David F

The Railroad

As all my fans have (not) asked, "What about that band named for a train?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25owBMZZML8 Ask and ye shall receive!

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David F

Anglo-American Heritage, Indeed

Let us consider, for a moment, the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement. Bull Connor: Anglo-American! Joe Arpaio: Still more examples of the Anglo-American Heritage at the Federal level, in New Jersey and in California. Via Jefferson Beauregard "I'm really a racist, just don't tell Maddow" Sessions

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David F

Food Boxes

https://www.truthexam.com/2018/02/trump-wants-send-food-boxes-directly-poor-people-end-food-stamp-program/ Well isn't this just ducky. Let me lay out for you how this will play out' Cynical much? Nope, just lived through 2017. #truckfump

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