Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Turns Out, I Hate TV

Today, I learned that I actually hate TV. Yep - that's me, the guy who seemingly cannot shut up about the golden age of TV we live in right now. For three hours today, I was in the presence -- with the sound on --…

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David F

OK - This is Scary

This has wrapped completely around the point of my #NoParody tag, full circle, and then swooped gracefully into an inward spiral that will soon disappear up its own fundament. BTW the Daily Kos page where this was published is titled, "Breaking the News." A sly…

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David F

It's Wearing on Me

I find myself feeling a deep dislike for all supporters of our flat-out fascist Federal regime now. These are people I want nothing to do with anymore. Financially-privileged white suburbanites. Rural #MAGAs. The entire states of Indiana, South Dakota and any of those that ever…

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David F

Trump is Theirs, Alright!

https://www.rawstory.com/2018/06/crimea-trump-russian-state-tv-celebrates-president-standing-putin-g7/ Check the video clip at the end. From the article: Skabeeva and co-host Evgeny Popov relayed this news excitedly to their audience, and they clearly approved of Trump’s actions. “Krym nash, Trump nash!” Skabeeva says jubilantly at the end of the show, which in…

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David F

Concentration Camps

My brother voted for this. Kids being stripped from their parents and put in camps. He once joked to me that he would not buy a Mercedes because, and I quote, he "could not own a car where he might be related to the seat-covers."…

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