Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Descent Into Fascism

click thru for the full story in his own words This cartoon tells the story of Rob Rogers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. He was the editorial cartoonist with a left-of-center viewpoint. Then the publisher decided he had to go because of insufficiently licking the boots…

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David F

Made-Up Holidays

Of course, they all are. Made-up, I mean. Every day the sun rises and sets (or sets and rises, for you members of the tribe). If a given day is special-er than another, it's because some memberĀ of the priestly or ruling caste decided to scam…

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David F

It's Complicated

Season 2 of GLOW is on. And it's on! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iM7W1Dvl6Q In the first season, they had nowhere to go but up. Now it's more complicated. As this show, like Dietland, amply demonstrates, a sexist world is pretty much always a hostile work environment. We may…

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David F


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiC__IjCa2s Yes, these compilation videos are a dime a dozen. Yes, they are easy to enjoy because they cherry-pick so mercilessly. Yes, he misspelled #20. But this... is just... good. So, there it is.

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