Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Slime-Pit of Racism

This is Amerikkka now. Something sounds Hispanic? That is literally a reason to call the police, to have them respond with deadly force. Hell, I don't know why they didn't send SWAT. You think these reports are isolated incidents? These reports are just now becoming…

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David F

A Coming-Out Story

I just read this story of a coming-out. A ten-year-old boy had a very serious discussion with his mom in which he came out to her as straight. She had a fair amount of trouble processing this as an actual coming-out, it seemed to me, Afterward,…

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David F

Happy Pride!

Being Rochester, we're different. Everyone else does Pride in June so of course, we're having it this weekend. We saw this a lot today. Someone needs to tell the fascists. And by fascists, I mean Rethuglicans. But they can control us a lot better with…

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David F

MAGA, eventually

The Pumpkin pretending to be the one running our government is really in the business of scamming rubes. And one of his current scams involves selling cheap Chinese-made MAGA items to said rubes. And by rubes, I mean racists, of course. But in the depths…

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