Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


It's an emergency! But... not really. Imagine a 911 caller who needs to report a home invasion. But they start their conversation with the operator talking about a business meeting they had that week (China). And a friend (U.K.) who's going through a tough divorce. And…

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David F

Poor Old Charlie

There are great political protest songs. Protesting and raising awareness of war, famine, fascism, injustices of every stripe. And then there's this. And still, I always smile at the image of Mrs. Charlie slinging a sandwich to her starving husband on the moving train. (Why…

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David F

#NoParody Marches On

If it's tax cuts for billionaires, or wars to pump up business for multi-national arms dealers, don't think, don't question! Just Do It! But for anything like Medicare for All or a Green New Deal, anything that might benefit someone who doesn't run their own SuperPAC...

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