Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Soldiers of Peace

CSN got together with Y once more in the tail end of the Reagan administration to make an album called American Dream. Just as the Rethuglicans were finishing up Act I of wiping their asses with the American Dream. David Crosby said some derogatory things…

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David F

Handmaid's Tale IRL

This is how Rethuglicans operate. According to this schtick dreck and others like him, the raison d'etre of a human female is to breed. Anything that interferes with THAT should be illegal. According to this schtick dreck. Rethuglicans are staunchly anti-abortion until their mistresses get…

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David F

Railroad Song

Croce, like many people featured in train songs, died in a horrible accident, and too young. And I must also mention - nothing to do with the song - happy Pi Day!

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