Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

India Note #1

This is the Kochi airport's idea of seating for waiting passengers. These guys are really comfortable! You would gladly have one in your den. Anything like that in an American airport? Don't think so.

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David F

Catching Up

Back from India. I will have some notes. Regular posting schedule to resume as from today. I missed a Waltz Wednesday, did I? Well, we can't have that now can we? Which of course made me think of this little gem:

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David F

Thoroughfare Gap

The first-ever Train Music Thursday was CSN (Marrakesh Express) and so the last one ever might as well be. Youtube embedding is working spottily as I write this. If you have an issue playing this, click here.

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